

Sightseeing spot guide

Kamo River

Kamo river is one of the symbols in Kyoto. In the summer seasons, many people enjoy picnic in the daytime and Hanabi in...
Sightseeing spot guide

Hydrangea in Mimirotoji-temple

Mimurotoji(三室戸寺) is a temple in Uji City, Kyoto. It is known as the “flower temple” where you can enjoy a v...
KG News


2020年6月14日(日)  【三団体交流会】 コロナ下によるメイン活動のグリート(外国人観光客への京都案内)ができない中、グッドサマリタンクラブ×奈良学生ガイド×京都グリーターズの三団体で交流会を行いました!!今回はオンライ...
Greet News

Greet with the guests from Mexico!

【7th March,2019】 Hello,I'm Akari from Kyoto:) I had a greet with a couple from Mexico on 7th March.I tried out for...
KG News

三団体交流イベント 第1弾!

3団体交流イベント#1の参加報告。 7月1日に学生ガイド3団体の交流イベントに参加しました。 ▼3団体とは…Good Samaritan Club ・Kyoto Greeters ・Nara student guide の3...
Greet News

Greet with the guests from America!

【10th July, 2018】 I met an American family today. We went to Fushimiinari and then to Arashiyama. After enjo...
Greet News

Greet with the Guest from Hawaii!

【29th June, 2018】 I went to Katsura Imperial Villa with a wowan who came from Hawaii! We walked inside of the vill...
Greet News

Greet with the guest from Australia!

【14th June, 2018】 I met an Australian woman! We exchanged emails many times, so I was happy to see each other. We w...
Greet News

Greet with the guest from the U.S.

【26th April, 2018】 Hi! I'm Akira from Kyoto! I had a greet with a man from U.S. on 26th April. This greet was...
Greet News

Greet with the guests from Germany!

【23th May, 2018】 Hello,I'm Ayaho from Kyoto! I had a wonderful time with the guest from Germany! It was unfortunate ...