They were from Melbourne, Australia!
It was a sunny day and Golden Week, so there were so many people. Many of them were wearing kimonos and many times they said “So beautiful ! but they had no desire to try it for themselves 😂We happened to stop by a small shrine and saw a cat🐱
I was worried that they might be tired because we walked a lot, but I was relieved to see that they were a healthy couple who walked 20,000 steps every day!
He is a poet and a university professor and he is going to send a book to my address, so I am very excited 📚It was a great experience!
快晴でゴールデンウィークということもあり、とても人が多かったです。着物を着ている人が多く、何度も「So beautiful !!」とおっしゃっていたのですが、ご自身で試したい気持ちは全くないそうです😂たまたま立ち寄った小さめの神社に猫がいました🐱