3/23 Greet with Joanne from Australia

Sightseeing spot guide


The guests expressed a desire to visit a less crowded, local spot, so I took them to the charming area near Shimogamo Shrine.

    We took a bus from the guest’s hotel in the Gion area to Shimogamo Shrine🚌 Despite the rainy weather, we were able to enjoy our walk without worries. Joanne  is active as a Sydney Greeter, so she understood our activities, and It was so much fun to exchange stories about being greeters.

   We were fortunate this time to encounter a wedding ceremony at Shimogamo Shrine. The guest showed interest in the Japanese rental kimono system and the students wearing kimono for their graduation ceremonies.

   Afterward, we took a little break at “Kamo Mitarashi Chaya” , where the guests had the opportunity to try Mitarashi dango, originating from Shimogamo Shrine. It turned out to be a very fulfilling greeting experience.



